ECMs is the name given to any means or procedures that can be utilized to reduce the energy consumption of a facility. This is done to both reduce the utility bills of a facility and to work towards making your building a green building.
Technically the more the ECMs applied the better, however it is important for these ECMs to have feasible payback periods. Altec Energy Co. shines in this area of providing cost effective, yet high quality solutions, hence increasing the ECMs that can be applied to your facility while maintaining feasibility.
Harvesting free and natural renewable energy is one of the simplest ways to reduce your facility’s costs and being environment friendly. While Altec does work with other renewable energy options such as wind hydro power, the most commonly applicable solution is harnessing Solar Power. This can be combined with Energy Storage Systems (ESS) to further increase the effectiveness of the solution.
Automation is one of the key methods to save energy and reduce wastage. It can utilize other ECMs mentioned here and maximize they potency. It allows for the best operational practices to be applied and also plays a role in making preventive maintenance easier which further reduces costs..
In this era continuous technical advancement, there are regular breakthroughs and improvements in the efficiency of HVAC equipment. Hence making sure that the equipment installed in your facility is meeting the current market-standard EERs is important.
Wherever there are motors involved, and this may include several aspects of your facility, there is an opportunity to cut energy wastage by installing Variable Frequency Drives. These VFDs ensure that the motor runs at the speed that is required, instead of running at the full speed at all times and this results in reduced energy wastage.
There have been different illumination technologies in the past such and incandescent filament bulbs, florescent, halogen, high-pressure sodium lamps etc. However, now the standard of energy efficient lighting with minimal wastage is LED lighting. Other than complex automation mentioned in the automation section, this can be combined with simple standalone occupancy detection or ambient light level detection to save energy by turning off the lighting wherever & whenever required.